Terms and conditions of the LONGEVITY-AT-HOME online store

This document (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) defines the general terms and conditions of use of this online store (https://longevity-at-home.com) and the terms and conditions of purchasing goods through it.



























The Online Store available at https://longevity-at-home.com takes care of consumer rights. Provisions of agreements or regulations less favorable to the consumer than the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act are invalid, and the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act apply in their place. The provisions of these Regulations are not intended to exclude or limit any consumer rights granted to them under mandatory provisions of law, and any possible doubts should be explained in favor of the consumer. In the event of any inconsistency of the provisions of these Regulations with the above provisions, these provisions take precedence and should be applied.


  1. The LONGEVITY-AT-HOME online store ("Online Store") is operated by LONGEVITY PRODUCTS SPÓŁK Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ with its registered office in Warsaw, at 00-761 Warsaw, ul. Belwederska 9, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0001102457, identified for tax purposes under NIP number 5214067323, and for statistical purposes under REGON number 528460342, with the share capital of PLN 5,000.00, fully paid up ("Seller").

    Seller contact details:
    e-mail address: hello@longevity-at-home.com
    telephone number – helpline for Buyer/Customer: +48 22 400 22 77
    Calls are answered Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 17:00
    Connection rate according to the tariff of the Buyer's operator.

  2. These Regulations are addressed to both consumers and entrepreneurs using the Online Store, unless a given provision of the Regulations provides otherwise.

  3. The administrator of personal data processed in the Online Store in connection with the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations is the Seller. Personal data are processed for the purposes, for the period and based on the grounds and principles indicated in the Privacy Policy published on the website of the Online Store. The privacy policy primarily contains the principles regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator in the Online Store, including the grounds, purposes and period of processing personal data and the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools in the Online Store. Using the Online Store, including making purchases, is voluntary. Similarly, providing personal data by the Customer using the Online Store is voluntary, subject to the exceptions indicated in the privacy policy (conclusion of the contract and statutory obligations of the Seller).


  1. Whenever the following capitalized terms are used in the Regulations, they should be understood in the meaning given below, unless the context of their use clearly indicates otherwise:

DIGITAL SERVICES ACT, ACT – Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on the single market for digital services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act) (OJ L 277, 27.10.2022, pp. 1-102);

ACTIVATION - the process of activating funds on the Gift Card, occurring at the time of registering the Gift Card online, when the Gift Card is purchased in the Store;

CUSTOMER CARE - the telephone and electronic customer service office of the Seller, through which the Customer can obtain information about the Goods, the Store, the Regulations and current Promotions;

PRICE - the amount of gross remuneration (including tax) payable to the Seller for concluding the Sales Agreement, specified in Polish zloty or another currency;

PERSONAL DATA - information about an identified or identifiable natural person, where an identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of an identifier such as name and surname, identification number, location data, internet identifier (such as IP address, cookie identifiers - generated by their End Devices, applications, tools and protocols, or other identifiers) or one or more specific factors determining the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person;

WORKING DAY – one day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

CONTACT FORM – a form available in the Online Store, facilitating the Customer in establishing contact with the Seller;

REGISTRATION FORM – a form available in the Online Store enabling the creation of a Customer Account.

ORDER FORM – Electronic Service, an interactive form available in the Online Store, enabling the placement of an Order, in particular by adding Products to the electronic Basket and specifying the terms of the Sales Agreement, including the method of delivery, payment, and the provision of necessary customer data.

PASSWORD – a sequence of alphanumeric characters, necessary for authorization when accessing the Account, which is set by the Customer when creating the Account. The Customer is obliged to keep the Password strictly confidential (not to disclose it to any third parties). The Password can be changed in the Account settings. The Seller may provide the Customer with the possibility of so-called recovery of a forgotten Password in a manner specified within the framework of the Store's operation;

GIFT CARD - an electronic goods voucher issued to the bearer in the form of a plastic electronic card with data enabling the identification of the voucher, with a specified expiry date, with electronically assigned information on the number of impulses representing a specific property value expressed in Polish zloty, entitling its holder to make single or multiple purchases in the Store;

CUSTOMER - (1) a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided for by generally applicable provisions, also a natural person with limited legal capacity; (2) a legal person; or (3) an organizational unit without legal personality, to which the law grants legal capacity - which has concluded or intends to conclude a Sales Agreement with the Seller.

CIVIL CODE – the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws 1964 No. 16, item 93, as amended)

SECURITY CODE - a string of alphanumeric characters used to activate the Gift Card in the event of purchasing a Gift Card in the Store, to check the status of the Value to be Issued and to make payment in the payment process;

DISCOUNT CODE - a sequence of alphanumeric characters, the use of which, while observing the terms of individual Promotions or other specific contractual provisions, may result in a reduction of the Price. In no case, however, will the use of the Discount Code result in the Seller having to pay to the Customer;

CONSUMER - a natural person who enters into a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to their business or professional activity. The provisions concerning the consumer apply to a natural person who concludes a contract directly related to their business activity, when it results from the content of this contract that it is not of a professional nature for this person, resulting in particular from the subject of the business activity performed by them, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.

CUSTOMER ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT - Electronic Service, a set of resources in the Seller's IT system, marked with an individual name (login) and password provided by the Customer, in which data provided by the Customer and information about Orders placed by him in the Online Store are collected.

SHOPPING CART/CART - space made available to the Customer within the Online Store, enabling the collection of products during shopping, including selecting, adding, editing quantities, removing, viewing and preparing a list of products to be ordered, containing details of each product added to the cart - name, price, quantity, total price of added products, the possibility of removing them from the cart.

LOGIN - the Customer's e-mail address provided when creating the Account. Each creation or change of the Login requires confirmation of the Customer's e-mail address by the Customer clicking on the activation link sent by the Seller to the e-mail address provided by the Customer;

AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS - all content published or made available on the longevity-at-home.com Website, in any form, in particular audiovisual, text, graphic, photographic and sound content, regardless of whether they constitute works within the meaning of the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights, constituting a product containing digital content or a digital service or connected with them in such a way that the lack of digital content or a digital service would prevent its proper functioning

NEWSLETTER - Electronic Service, non-cyclical, irregular electronic distribution service, used to build relationships and maintain communication between the Seller and the Customer, provided by the Seller via e-mail and MMS and/or SMS messages, which enables all Customers who use it to automatically receive from the Seller advertisements and offers of the Seller, information about Products, new products and promotions in the Online Store, and

ILLEGAL CONTENT – information that, in itself or by reference to activity, including the sale of Products or the provision of Electronic Services, does not comply with European Union law or with the law of any Member State that complies with European Union law, regardless of the specific subject matter or nature of that law, including information that infringes proprietary copyrights or personal rights;

PRIVACY POLICY – a set of rules regarding the processing and protection of Customers' personal data, available free of charge on the website at: https:/longevity-at-home.com

AVAILABILITY NOTIFICATION – Electronic Service that enables all Customers using it to automatically receive information from the Seller about the availability of the Product via e-mail.

PROMOTIONS - special sales conditions, regulated on the principles expressed in separate regulations, concerning a special offer of the Store valid at a specific time, from which the Customer may use on the principles specified therein. In the event of discrepancies in the provisions of the relevant regulations of the Promotion with the provisions of these Regulations, the provisions of the relevant regulations of the Promotion shall prevail;

PRE-ORDER – Product Sales Agreement concluded or entered into between the Customer and the Seller via the Online Store for Products, the implementation of which will begin only once all ordered Products have been released on the Polish market.

PRODUCT – a movable item (goods) or service (including Electronic Service) available in the Online Store, which is the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller. Products may be universal or, if the type of Product allows, also prepared individually to the Customer's order.

REGULATIONS - this document specifying the rules for concluding Sales Agreements and the rules for providing and using the services offered by the Seller through the Store for the benefit of Customers. The Regulations specify the rights and obligations of the Customer and the Seller. In the scope of the Agreement for the Provision of Electronic Services, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in art. 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended);

REGISTRATION - the process of verifying the Transaction, enabling the exchange of electronic impulses representing a specific property value accumulated on the Gift Card for Goods, during which, among other things, the status and property value of the funds accumulated on the Gift Card are determined;

COMPLAINT – the Customer’s claims resulting from the Customer’s conviction that the Product (including the Electronic Service or Discount Card) is not in conformity with the concluded Agreement;

ONLINE STORE/STORE - a Product sales platform, available at the Internet address: www.longevity-at-home.com , constituting a set of interconnected Internet subpages;

SELLER/ SERVICE PROVIDER - Longevity Products Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw (00-761), 9 Belwederska Street, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; KRS 0001102457, NIP 5214067323, REGON 528460342, with the share capital of PLN 5,000.00, fully paid up;

TRANSACTION - an operation made using a Gift Card, consisting in the exchange of impulses recorded on the Gift Card for Goods (or services) offered by the Seller by reducing the number of impulses recorded on the Gift Card by an amount corresponding to the value of the Goods or services purchased by the User and possibly assigning a new Use Value to the Gift Card, provided that no more than one Gift Card can be used in one operation;

CONTENT - text, graphic or multimedia elements (e.g. information about the Goods, photos of the Goods, promotional videos, descriptions, comments) including works within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights and images of natural persons, which are posted and distributed within the Store by the Seller, the Seller's contractors, the Customer or another person using the Store, respectively;

SALES AGREEMENT/AGREEMENT - a sales agreement within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code, the subject of which is a Product or Products, concluded or entered into between the Customer and the Seller via the Online Store, upon payment of the Price, increased by any shipping costs, in the manner specified in these Regulations, i.e. it is in particular concluded using means of distance communication. The Sales Agreement specifies in particular the Product, its features, Price, shipping costs and other important conditions. Whenever there is reference to the Sales Agreement or Agreement, this should also be understood as an agreement on the provision of services by the Seller to the Customers (including Electronic Services);

SERVICE RECIPIENT – (1) a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided for by generally applicable provisions, also a natural person with limited legal capacity; (2) a legal person; or (3) an organizational unit without legal personality, to which the law grants legal capacity – using or intending to use the Electronic Service;

DIGITAL SERVICE - a service enabling the generation, processing, storage or access to data in digital form, the sharing of data in digital form, other forms of interaction using data in digital form, including online educational platforms, other forms of software, applications, online consultation platforms;

ELECTRONIC SERVICE - a service provided electronically within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), by the Service Provider (Seller) to the Service Recipient (Customer) via the Online Store, on the basis of an agreement concluded by the Seller and the Customer under the terms and conditions specified in these Regulations and the Privacy Policy;

CONSUMER RIGHTS ACT – the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended);

USER – each holder and bearer of the Gift Card, authorized to make purchases in the Store using the Gift Card;

VALUE TO BE USED - the number of impulses assigned to the Gift Card corresponding to the amount expressed in Polish zloty, up to which amount the User may purchase Goods or services from the Seller;

TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - minimum technical requirements, the fulfillment of which is necessary to use the Store, conclude the Service Provision Agreement or conclude the Sales Agreement, i.e.: having a computer or other device connected to the Internet, equipped with one of the following Internet browsers in a version supported by the browser manufacturers and the device's operating system, with JavaScript and Cookies support enabled. To make purchases in the Store, the Customer must have a valid/active e-mail address, as well as a keyboard or other pointing device that allows for the correct completion of electronic forms;

ORDER - a declaration of will of the Customer submitted using the Order Form and aiming directly at concluding a Product Sales Agreement with the Seller, remotely, via the Store;

PRODUCT SETS – Goods with a unique name and identification number consisting of at least two products offered together as one subject of the contract between the Seller and the Customer.


  1. In order to use the Online Store, the end device and IT system used by the Customer must meet minimum Technical Requirements.
  2. Acceptance of the Regulations is voluntary, but necessary to create an Account or place an Order.
  3. The Seller informs that using the Store via a web browser, including placing an Order, as well as establishing a telephone connection with Customer Care, may be associated with the need to incur costs of connecting to the Internet (data transfer fee) or telephone call costs, in accordance with the tariff package of the service provider used by the Customer.
  4. The Seller may entrust the performance of individual activities within the Online Store or the ongoing maintenance of the Online Store to subcontractors. This shall not affect the scope and quality of the Seller's services. The Seller shall also remain a party to the Agreement in each case.
  5. The information presented on the Store website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code. It is merely an invitation to conclude an agreement within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code, addressed by the Seller to Customers.


  1. The following Electronic Services are available in the Online Store: Account, Order Form, Newsletter and Availability Notification.

    a) Customer Account,
    b) Order Form,
    c) Newsletter,
    d) SMS notifications
    f) Adding Product Reviews,
    g) Basket,
    h) Abandoned Cart,
    i) Online Payments,
    j) Gift Card Activation
    k) Checking the Status of Values ​​to be Issued,
    l) Notification of Product Availability

  2. Additionally, the Service Provider provides the following Electronic Services free of charge via the Store to Service Recipients who have created an Account:

    a) maintaining the Customer’s session after logging in to the Customer Account (using a browser);

    b) storing and making available to the Customer the Order history via the Customer Account;

    c) enabling access to special Promotions targeted only to specific groups of Customers who have a Customer Account.

  3. Within the Online Store, the Service Provider undertakes to provide Electronic Services referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, to the extent and under the terms specified in these Regulations and the Privacy Policy.


  1. The Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services is concluded upon the cumulative fulfillment of the following conditions:

    effective completion, acceptance by the Customer and sending of relevant data to the Seller (e.g. registration form or adding the Product to the Cart)

    b) acceptance of these Regulations,

    c) submitting a declaration of having read the principles of the Privacy Policy.

  2. The Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services is concluded:

    a) for an indefinite period – applies to: Customer Account, Registration Form, Order Form, Newsletter, Adding Opinions, LONGEVITY-AT-HOME Club, SMS Notifications,

    b) for a fixed period of time – applies to: Shopping Cart, online payments, Gift Card Activation, Checking the Status of the Value to be Spent, Contact Form, Availability Notification.

  3. Technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the IT system used by the Service Provider: (1) computer, laptop or other multimedia device with Internet access; (2) access to e-mail; (3) the latest version of a web browser; (4) enabling the option of saving Cookies and Javascript support in the web browser.

  4. The Service Recipient is obliged to use the Online Store in a manner consistent with the law and good practices, taking into account the respect for personal rights and copyrights and intellectual property of the Service Provider and third parties, in particular the Service Recipient is obliged to:

    provide all necessary Customer data in the Order and in the Forms, and only true and current data;

    b) immediate updating of data, including Personal Data provided by in connection with the conclusion of the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services or the Sales Agreement, in particular to the extent necessary for their proper execution. The Customer may change the data entered when creating the Account at any time using the options available within the Customer Account;

    c) use the Electronic Services offered by the Seller in a way that does not disrupt the functioning of the Seller, the Store or the use of the Store by other Customers;

    d) use the Electronic Services offered by the Seller in a manner consistent with the provisions of applicable law, the provisions of the Regulations, the provisions of the Privacy Policy, as well as with the customs and principles of social coexistence adopted in a given scope;

    e) use the Electronic Services offered by the Seller in a manner that is not burdensome for other Customers and for the Seller;

    f) timely payment of the Price and other costs agreed by the Customer and the Seller;

    g) not to provide or transmit any Illegal Content within the Store;

    h) refraining from taking actions such as:

    - sending or placing unsolicited commercial information in the Store or placing any Content that violates the provisions of the law (prohibition of placing illegal content);

    - undertaking IT activities or any other activities aimed at obtaining information not intended for the Client, including data of other Clients;

    - modifying in an unauthorized manner the Content provided by the Seller, in particular the Prices or descriptions of Goods provided in the Store.

  5. The Seller shall not be liable for any breach by the Customer of the provisions of paragraph 3 above.

  6. In the case of Electronic Services provided to the Customer free of charge, the Seller's benefit is the possession of the Customer's Personal Data and the possibility of using them for own marketing purposes in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  7. The complaints procedure regarding Electronic Services is indicated in point XIII of the Regulations.


1. Account.

1.1. The Customer Account is a space made available to the Customer within the Online Store, offering a number of functionalities such as: changing Personal Data, changing the Password, concluding or terminating the agreement for the Electronic Newsletter Service, expressing and withdrawing consent to receive commercial information in SMS messages, adding addresses to the address book for their later use in the Order (the Customer may save several addresses), checking the purchase history and Order statuses, re-purchasing Products previously purchased by the Customer, adding or removing one's date of birth in order to receive personalized information on the occasion of the birthday, which may include special birthday offers or promotions (available only in the case of concluding a Newsletter agreement), Activating the Gift Card, checking the balance on the Gift Card, and in the case of members of the LONGEVITY-AT-HOME Club, a tab enabling the management of membership matters.

1.2. The creation and use of the Account is possible after the Customer has completed two consecutive steps – (1) filling in the Registration Form with current and authentic data such as name and surname, address, contact phone number, e-mail address and setting the Login and Password, (2) clicking the “Register” field (3) expressing consent to be bound by these Regulations, confirming that they have read the Privacy Policy, (4) sending the Registration Form to the Seller. If the Customer does not have an Account, they can also create one by selecting the appropriate option and entering the Password when placing the Order – the Account is created at the moment of placing the Order.

1.3. The Customer gains access to the Customer Account by logging in using the Login and Password.

1.4 The Customer may terminate the Customer Account agreement at any time by sending an email to the following address: hello@longevity-at-home.com. The email must include a declaration of termination of the agreement and the email address assigned to the Customer Account.  

1.5. The Account Electronic Service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period. The Service Recipient may, at any time and without giving a reason, delete the Account (resign from the Account) by sending an appropriate request to the Service Provider, in particular via e-mail to the following address: hello@longevity-at-home.com or in writing to the following address: Longevity Products Sp. z oo, ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761 Warsaw. 1.5. Conclusion of the Customer Account Agreement is voluntary.

2. Contact Form.

2.1. The Contact Form service is provided free of charge, is voluntary, one-time and ends when the inquiry is sent.

2.2. The Electronic Service of the Contact Form enables direct communication with Customer Care. Communication should be conducted for purposes related to the operation of the Store, directing inquiries regarding Products, placing orders, handling contracts, returns, complaints or withdrawal from the Agreement.

2.3. In order to use the Contact Form, the Client is obliged to perform the following actions:

a) entering the Customer's name and email address in the Contact Form dialogue box,

b) confirmation of having read the Privacy Policy and consenting to the processing of data in connection with the use of the Contact Form,

c) entering the content of the inquiry into the Contact Form dialogue box,

d) sending the completed Form by pressing the "Enter" key or clicking the "Arrow" or a similar symbol leading to sending the Form.

2.4. The Agreement expires when the Client closes the window with the Contact Form or the browser tab before sending the Form. The Agreement was terminated as a result of withdrawing the inquiry, before receiving the answer, by a statement submitted to the Seller by phone, e-mail or traditional mail, to the data indicated at the beginning of these Regulations.

2.5. The Seller may terminate the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Contact Form Service at any time, without giving reasons, with immediate effect.

3. Order Form.

3.1. The use of the Order Form begins when the Customer adds the first Product to the electronic basket in the Online Store. The Order is placed after the Customer completes two consecutive steps - (1) after filling in the Order Form and (2) clicking on the "ORDER AND PAY" field on the Online Store website after filling in the Order Form - until then it is possible to modify the entered data independently (for this purpose, follow the displayed messages and information available on the Online Store website). In the Order Form, the Customer must provide the following data concerning the Customer: first name, last name, address (street, house number, postal code, town, country), e-mail address, contact telephone number and data concerning the Sales Agreement: Product(s), quantity of Product(s), place and method of delivery of the Product(s), method of payment. In the case of Customers who are not consumers, it is also possible to provide the company name, Tax Identification Number.

3.2. The Electronic Order Form Service is provided free of charge and is of a one-off nature and ends when the Order is placed via it or when the Service Recipient stops placing an Order via it earlier.

4. Newsletter.

4.1. The use of the Newsletter is possible by - (1) providing your active e-mail address in a dedicated field on individual pages of the Store, or by subscribing via the "Newsletter" tab within your Customer Account, e.g. by checking the appropriate checkbox when creating an Account - at the moment of creating an Account, the Service User is subscribed to the Newsletter, (2) by checking the appropriate checkbox in the Account settings - at the moment of clicking the "SAVE" field, the Service User is subscribed to the Newsletter, (3) by checking the appropriate checkbox when placing an Order via the Order Form - at the moment of placing an Order, the Service User is subscribed to the Newsletter.

4.2. In addition to the e-mail address, when subscribing to the Newsletter, the Customer may provide their date of birth in a dedicated field, which allows the Seller to send the Customer personalized information on the occasion of their birthday, which may include special birthday offers or promotions.

4.3. The Electronic Newsletter Service is provided free of charge, for an indefinite period. The Service Recipient may, at any time and without giving a reason, unsubscribe from the Newsletter (resign from the Newsletter) by (1) clicking on the deactivation link located in each Newsletter sent to the Customer, (2) changing the settings in the My Account panel (Customer Account) or (3) sending an appropriate request to the Service Provider, in particular via e-mail to the following address: hello@longevity-at-home.com or in writing to the following address: ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761 Warsaw, (2) checking the appropriate checkbox in the Account settings - by clicking the "save" field, the Service Recipient is unsubscribed from the Newsletter.

4.4. Detailed rules and information regarding the processing of Personal Data related to the SMS Notifications service can be found in the Privacy Policy.

5. Availability Notification.

5.1. The Electronic Service Notification of Availability is possible for Products that cannot currently become the subject of an Order due to the lack of information about their availability. The use of the Notification of Availability, and thus the conclusion of a contract for this Electronic Service, is made by providing an e-mail address and/or telephone number in a dedicated field on the appropriate page of the Store, especially the page of the unavailable Product, to which the notification is to be sent and clicking the field "Notify about availability", "Send notification" or similar. The Service Recipient who has used the Electronic Service will receive an automatic message with an invitation to place an Order when the Service Provider confirms the availability of the Product.

5.2. The Electronic Service of Notification of Availability consists of sending an e-mail to the Customer when the Product the Customer is interested in becomes available in the Store again. The e-mail sent to the Customer will contain a notification of the availability of the Product selected by the Customer and a link to the subpage enabling the placement of an Order.

5.3. The conclusion of the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service of Availability Notification is for a fixed period of time, is voluntary and free of charge.

5.4. The Agreement expires after the Customer receives the Notification of Availability of the selected Product. The Agreement cannot be withdrawn from for technical reasons.

5.5. The Availability Notification Service does not provide exclusivity, priority or guarantee of purchasing a re-available Product by the Customer who received a link informing about such availability, in particular this Service does not guarantee the availability of the Product at the time the Customer attempts to purchase it.



6.1. The LONGEVITY-AT-HOME Club is an Electronic Service that allows you to register for membership in the Club and enjoy the benefits of belonging to the Club in the form of promotions, discounts, gifts, and access to additional functionalities.

6.2. Details regarding the conclusion of the Agreement on the provision of the LONGEVITY AT HOME Club Electronic Service will be presented in the LONGEVITY-AT-HOME Club Regulations, which will be available on the website: www.longevity-at-home.com

7. Adding Product Reviews (Reviews)

7.1. The Opinion Adding Service consists in the Customer placing opinions/comments about the purchased Product, on the terms described below. The conclusion of the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service, which is Adding Opinions, is for an indefinite period and is voluntary and free of charge. The service is one-time, and its conclusion occurs at the moment of adding the opinion in the appropriate place on the website www.longevity-at-home.com

7.2. The Client has the right to withdraw from the Agreement on Adding Opinions within 30 days of its conclusion and to request the return of the provided digital content. In the scope of withdrawal from the Agreement, the provisions of point XII of the Regulations shall apply accordingly, with the difference that the Client is not obliged to return anything to the Seller.

7.3. In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement on the provision of the service of Adding Opinions, the Seller, at the Customer's request, shall provide him with content that was provided or created by the Customer during the duration of the Electronic Service.

7.4. With respect to termination of the Agreement for the provision of the service of Adding Opinions, the provisions of point XVII of these Regulations shall apply.

7.5. The Seller guarantees the authenticity of codes added within the Online Store. Only verified Customers who have previously purchased a given Product in the Store have the possibility of adding an Opinion. The Seller reserves the right to remove an Opinion if its content is inconsistent with these Regulations. An Opinion about a Product may be issued only for actually purchased Products in the Seller's Online Store and by the Customer who purchased the Product being reviewed. It is prohibited to conclude fictitious or apparent Sales Agreements in order to issue an opinion about a Product.

7.6. Adding opinions by Customers may not be used for illegal activities, in particular for activities constituting an act of unfair competition, or activities violating personal rights, intellectual property rights or other rights of the Seller or third parties. When adding an opinion, the Customer is obliged to act in accordance with the law, these Regulations and good customs.

7.7. Opinions may be made available directly on the Online Store website (e.g. for a given Product) or on an external service collecting opinions, with which the Seller cooperates and to which it refers on the Online Store website (including via an external widget placed on the Online Store website).

7.8. The Seller ensures that the published opinions about the Products come from its Customers who have purchased the Product. For this purpose, the Seller takes the following actions to check whether the opinions come from its Customers:

a) Publishing an opinion issued using the form available directly on the Online Store website requires having an Account in the Online Store and prior verification by the Seller. Verification consists of checking the compliance of the opinion with the Regulations, in particular checking whether the person giving the opinion is a Customer of the Online Store - in this case the Seller checks whether this person made a purchase in the Online Store, and in the case of an opinion about a Product, additionally checks whether they purchased the Product being reviewed. Verification takes place without undue delay

b) The Seller sends its Customers (including via an external opinion collection service with which it cooperates) an individual link to the e-mail address provided by the Customer during the purchase - in this way, only the Customer who purchased the Product in the Online Store receives access to the opinion form

c) in the event of doubts of the Seller or reservations addressed to the Seller by other Customers or third parties as to whether a given opinion comes from the Customer or whether a given Customer purchased a given Product, the Seller reserves the right to contact the author of the opinion in order to clarify and confirm that he or she is in fact a Customer of the Online Store or has purchased the Product being reviewed. Any comments, appeals against the verification of the Opinion, or reservations as to whether a given Opinion comes from the Customer or whether a given Customer purchased a given Product may be submitted in a manner analogous to Complaints.

7.9. The Seller does not post or commission any other person to post false opinions or recommendations of Customers and does not distort opinions or recommendations of Customers in order to promote its Products. The Seller does not provide sponsored opinions.

7.10. Each Customer who has placed an Order in the Store and receives the purchased Products receives an individual link enabling the posting and adding of an Opinion. Adding an Opinion is voluntary. The time for adding an Opinion, from the moment of receiving an e-mail with a link, is 1 year.

7.11. Only Opinions verified by the Seller in terms of compliance with the Regulations are subject to publication within the Store. Verification of Opinions is based on the following principles:

a) the opinion is understandable, written in Polish or English in accordance with the applicable language rules,

b) the opinion may not contain Illegal Content, including vulgarity, offensive, obscene, discriminatory content that may violate morality, ethics, honor, dignity, good name or other personal rights,

c) the opinion cannot contain Personal Data (names, surnames, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, addresses of residence, etc.),

d) the opinion cannot contain advertising, spam or any form of promotion of other companies or products,

e) the opinion cannot contain critical or inappropriate comments towards the authors of other opinions,

f) the opinion cannot refer to the individual, subjective preferences of the Customer, but must contain a constructive, objective evaluation of the Product,

g) the opinion may not refer to unjustified ideas or expectations of the Customer about a given Product, which have not been caused by assurances from the Seller or by misleading the Customer by the Seller,

h) the photo added to the opinion must not contain the image of a person and must not violate the legal order or good customs.

7.12. For the same reasons as indicated in point 7.7 above, the Seller has the right to remove an Opinion that has already been published.

7.13. The Add Opinion function includes a Product rating function from 1 (lowest rating) to 5 (highest rating). The ratings presented (on a scale from 1 to 5) are the average of all Product Reviews published within the Store.

7.14. Each Opinion published in the Shop is automatically signed with the same name of the author of the opinion that was provided by the Customer in the "name" field when placing the Order. Other Personal Data of the Customer are not subject to publication.

7.15. By publishing a photo in the Opinion, the Customer grants the Seller a free, non-exclusive license for an indefinite period of time in relation to such photo, in terms of its publication within the Store, entering it into the computer's memory, copying and using it for marketing purposes.

7.16. The customer is not informed about the acceptance, rejection or deletion of the opinion.

7.17. The opinions and names of the authors will be publicly available and visible to any person visiting the Store.

7.18. The Customer adding an Opinion hereby guarantees that their opinion complies with the Regulations, does not violate applicable legal regulations or third party rights. The Customer bears full responsibility for the opinions they post within the Store.

7.19. Details regarding the processing of Personal Data in connection with the use of Adding Opinions can be found in the Privacy Policy.

8. Basket.

8.1. The conclusion of the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service, which is the Basket, is for a fixed period of time, is voluntary and free of charge.

8.2. The Cart Service consists of expressing interest in submitting an offer to purchase a specific Product by clicking the "Add to Cart" button. The Cart Service allows you to display a summary of the list and Price of individual Products and all Products together (including any shipping costs), display the expected delivery date, and make changes to the quantity of Products placed in the cart by adding or subtracting them. If the Price of the Product changes after adding a Product to the Cart (e.g. after using a Discount Code), the Price will be updated in the Cart summary.

8.3. The Cart Service is one-time (concluded for a specified period) and is concluded when the first Product is added to the Cart.

8.4. The Customer has the right to terminate the agreement for the provision of the Basket service with immediate effect at any time by:

a) clearing cookies,

b) removing all Products from the Basket (emptying the Basket),

c) placing an order for all Products in the Basket.

8.5. The Agreement expires after 7 days from the date of adding a given Product to the Cart, unless the Product becomes unavailable earlier, e.g. sold out. Adding a Product to the Cart does not mean its reservation. The Seller does not guarantee in any case the possibility of fulfilling the order of Products in the Cart, however the Seller will not interfere with the contents of the Cart on its own. The Cart is automatically emptied each time after 7 days from adding the Product or earlier, as a result of the unavailability of the Product in the Cart.

9. Abandoned Cart.

9.1. The conclusion of the agreement for the provision of the Abandoned Cart Electronic Service is for a fixed period (it is of a one-off nature), is voluntary and free of charge.

9.2. The Abandoned Cart Service consists of sending an e-mail to a Customer who has used the Cart Service and has not removed Products from the Cart (or otherwise terminated the Abandoned Cart Agreement) and then closed the web browser window while the Products were still in the Cart. The Abandoned Cart Service enables the Customer to return to the Cart Service to the state it was in before the Customer closed the browser window.

9.3. The agreement for the provision of the Abandoned Cart Electronic Service is concluded when the first Product is added to the Cart.

9.4. The Customer has the right to terminate the agreement for the provision of the Abandoned Cart Electronic Service with immediate effect at any time, in accordance with the principles set out in point 8.4 above.

9.5. The Abandoned Cart Agreement expires for each Product added after 7 days from the date it was added to the Cart.

10. Online payments.

10.1. The Agreement for the provision of the Online Payment service is concluded at the moment of selecting the payment method and clicking the button "Buy and pay" or similarly marked.

10.2. The Online Electronic Payment Service is provided by a third party - a payment operator, under the terms and conditions specified in the regulations of such entity, which, depending on the selected payment method, are:

a) in the case of a debit or credit card - Elavon Financial Services Designated Activity Company (a limited liability company with a designated subject of activity) Branch in Poland, ul. Puławska 17, 02-515 Warsaw, KRS 0000287836, NIP 2090000825, REGON 300649197 on the principles specified in the regulations of this entity and the issuer of individual cards, and perhaps also banks [depending on the agreements concluded by the User]) on the principles specified in the regulations of these entities,

b) online payments - the operator is the owner of the Tpay system - Krajowy Integrator Płatności SA with its registered office in Poznań, plac Andersa 3, 17th floor, 61-894 Poznań, operating under the KRS number 0000412357, NIP 7773061579, REGON 300878437. All complaints related to the execution of payments should be reported directly to the TPay Payment Operator at the e-mail address: sales@tpay.com or by phone at: +48 61 62 47 885.

In the case of payment refunds, the funds will be refunded via the same payment channel from which the payment was made, in accordance with the regulations of the TPay Payment Operator.

11. Gift Card Activation.

11.1. Concluding an agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service in the form of Activation is free of charge, subject to any payments related to topping up the Gift Card with a specified balance of funds to be used by the User.

11.2. The Gift Card Service consists of enabling the Customer or other User to make a transaction in the Store using the Gift Card within the period from the date of Activation until the expiry of the period of 12 months from the date of activation.

11.3. The Gift Card Activation Service is one-time (concluded for a specified period) and is concluded when the Customer enters a special activation code in the designated place on the website provided by the Seller and then clicks the "Activate", "Save Card" or similar button.

11.4. Activation can also be done from the Customer Account panel.

11.5. The Agreement expires upon the Client performing Activation. For technical reasons, the Agreement cannot be withdrawn from.


  1. The main features of the service, including the subject of the service and the method of communication with the Customer, are specified on the page of each Product.

  2. The conclusion of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller takes place after the Customer places an Order using the Order Form in the Online Store.

  3. The price of the Product displayed on the Online Store website is given in Polish zloty and includes taxes. The Customer is informed on the Online Store website about the total price including taxes of the Product that is the subject of the Order, as well as about the delivery costs (including transport, delivery and postal services) and other costs, and if the amount of these fees cannot be determined - about the obligation to pay them, during the placement of the Order, including when the Customer expresses their will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.

  4. The process of placing an order and concluding a sales contract is as follows:

    a) The Customer adds the selected Product(s) to the Cart and then proceeds to the electronic Order Form.

    b) The Customer selects one of the offered delivery methods. In the event of selecting cash on delivery (i.e. payment upon receipt), for technical reasons, within one Order via the Store, it is not possible to order more than 20 pieces of Products in total or several Orders with a total value exceeding PLN 1,000 (one thousand), by the same Customer, within 31 calendar days - if the Customer wants to place an Order exceeding the values ​​indicated in this item b), they should contact Customer Care;

    c) A Customer who has a Customer Account and is logged into the Customer Account during the purchase process, confirms in the Order form that the data necessary to conclude and execute the Sales Agreement is up to date or updates this data. A Customer who does not have an Account, each time fills out the Order form with the data necessary to conclude the Sales Agreement. Providing out-of-date, incomplete or false Customer data may prevent the Seller from accepting the Order or executing the Agreement;

    d) The Customer selects the method of payment for the Price and other elements indicated in the Order Form affecting the total costs of performing the Agreement;

    e) The Customer sends the Order to the Seller using the functionality of the Store provided for this purpose (the button "Buy and pay"/"Buy with an obligation to pay" or similar).

    f) In each case of sending an Order, the Customer is obliged to accept the Regulations;

    g) Until the button: "Buy and pay" is pressed, the Customer may add or remove a Product from the Cart;

    h) Depending on the selected payment method, the Customer may be redirected to the websites of an external payment service provider in order to make the payment;

    i) After placing the Order, confirmation of receipt of the Order and then its acceptance for execution, or information about the impossibility of accepting the Order for execution, will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. After accepting the Order for execution, the Seller sends the Customer confirmation of the terms of the Agreement to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.

  5. After placing an Order, the Seller immediately confirms its receipt and simultaneously accepts the Order for execution. Confirmation of receipt of the Order and its acceptance for execution is made by sending an appropriate e-mail message by the Seller to the Customer to the Customer's e-mail address provided when placing the Order, which contains at least the Seller's statements about receiving the Order and its acceptance for execution and confirmation of concluding the Sales Agreement. Upon receipt by the Customer of the above e-mail message, a Sales Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Seller.

  6. The content of the concluded Sales Agreement shall be recorded, secured and made available to the Customer by (1) making these Regulations available on the website of the Online Store and (2) sending the Customer an e-mail message referred to in paragraph 3 above of the Regulations. The content of the Sales Agreement shall be additionally recorded and secured in the IT system of the Seller's Online Store.

  7. The Seller reserves the right to establish communication with the Customer in connection with the placed Order, in particular in the context of the conditions under which the Agreement is to be concluded (submitting a counteroffer to the received Order or negotiating the terms of the Agreement). In the event that the Customer and the Seller fail to reach an agreement on different terms, the Agreement is not concluded.

  8. The Seller has the right to cancel the order if, for reasons beyond the Seller's control, including the unavailability of the goods, the order cannot be fulfilled. Information about the cancellation of the order will be sent to the address provided by the Customer when placing the Order.


  1. Through the Store, it is possible to purchase Products in a subscription model, where this model means automatic renewal and delivery of subsequent Orders with Products selected by the Buyer for the duration of the subscription at the frequency specified in the Order. Joining the subscription requires selecting the Cyclic Purchase and accepting its terms indicated in the Regulations. The statutory right to withdraw from the contract is counted from the time of conclusion of the contract and receipt of the first order covered by the Product Subscription.

  2. Cyclic Purchase gives the Customer the opportunity to take advantage of lower prices for Products available on the Website under the conditions indicated for these Products and free delivery in Poland. However, in the event of unavailability of Products selected for purchase by the Customer - the Seller will provide such information to the Customer before shipping, along with the possibility of canceling the Order. In the absence of information from the Customer - the Order will be canceled and the Customer will be refunded all costs incurred related to the Order.

  3. By choosing the Product Subscription service, the Customer agrees to the Payment Operator periodically charging the Customer's payment card with an amount of money equivalent to the price of the products in the subscription. This amount will be charged by the Payment Operator from the Customer's payment card by the Payment Operator each month before the Products are shipped.

  4. The renewable subscription is concluded for an indefinite period with the possibility of termination by either Party at any time with effect at the end of the current billing month. The billing period is one month, two months, three months counted as 30, 60 and 90 consecutive calendar days.

  5. The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend the shipment of Products or their launch - in the case of Digital Services, and subsequently not to ship the Products and exclude the Customer from the Product Subscription if it is not possible to collect payment for the subscription from the card indicated by the Customer.

  6. The Seller reserves the right to terminate the Subscription for Products in the event of the lack of availability of Products from the Manufacturer or suspension of their production. The Seller will individually determine with the Customer the possibility of exchanging some of the Products for others within the fee paid or a refund of the entire fee paid.

  7. Subscription to Products is only possible for Customers who have an Account. During the Subscription, the Customer may:

    a) change the number of sets and the shipping address or launch of the Products at any time, but before their shipment by the Seller

    b) skip the next delivery or pause your subscription without canceling it.

  8. The Customer may edit the Product Subscription at any time on their Store Account in the My recurring purchases tab, by selecting the appropriate operation for editing the Product Subscription. Neither editing nor canceling the Product Subscription involves additional fees.

  9. The Customer has the right to purchase Products in a subscription model as well as regular Products available in the Online Store in one order - however, payment in this case can only be made by payment card. The amount of automatic renewal of payment in subsequent periods, in accordance with the frequency selected by the Customer, will be charged only in the amount of the price of products in the subscription model.

  10. The provision of the Product Subscription lasts from the moment the agreement is concluded until its termination as a result of:

    a) lack of funds on the Customer's payment card and 2 unsuccessful attempts to charge the card;

    b) cancellation of the Product Subscription by the Customer (resulting in termination of the contract) no later than 5 days before the start of the next billing period;

    c) termination of the Subscription by the Seller.


  1. Prices within the Store, concerning Goods in the Seller's offer, include all applicable customs duties and taxes, including VAT and are given in Polish zloty, provided that they may also be expressed in another currency. Prices of Goods purchased through the Store, from other suppliers, by redirecting to the websites of these suppliers, may not include applicable customs duties and taxes. Sales by external suppliers and the electronic services they provide are subject to their regulations and policies.

  2. Prices do not include shipping costs. Shipping costs for Products are displayed on the Store website when placing an Order. The total value of the Agreement includes the Price, shipping costs and any costs related to additionally paid services selected by the Customer.

  3. The Seller may, in a period of his choosing, specify the minimum Order value threshold for which the delivery of the Goods is free.

  4. Promotions valid in the Store cannot be combined, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Promotion regulations.


  1. The Seller provides the Customer with the following methods of payment under the Sales Agreement:

    electronic payments (online);

    b) payments by payment card;

    c) payment using a Gift Card;

    d) The Seller may, at its own discretion, also activate the cash on delivery option (cash or card) upon receipt of the shipment.

  2. Settlements for electronic payment and payment card transactions are carried out in accordance with the Customer's choice via the payment operator's services.

    a) in the case of a debit or credit card - Elavon Financial Services Designated Activity Company (a limited liability company with a designated subject of activity) Branch in Poland, ul. Puławska 17, 02-515 Warsaw, KRS 0000287836, NIP 2090000825, REGON 300649197 on the principles specified in the regulations of this entity and the issuer of individual cards, and perhaps also banks [depending on the agreements concluded by the User]) on the principles specified in the regulations of these entities,

    b) online payments - the operator is the owner of the Tpay system - Krajowy Integrator Płatności SA with its registered office in Poznań, plac Andersa 3, 17th floor, 61-894 Poznań, operating under KRS number 0000412357, NIP 7773061579, REGON 300878437. All complaints related to the execution of payments should be reported directly to the TPay Payment Operator at the e-mail address: sales@tpay.com or by phone at: +48 61 62 47 885. In the case of payment refunds, the funds will be returned via the same payment channel from which the payment was made, in accordance with the regulations of the TPay Payment Operator,

  3. More information on payment methods and their operators is available on the Online Store website in the "Payment methods" information tab, as well as on the websites: https://tpay.com and https://elavon.pl
  4. Maturity:

    4.1. If the Customer chooses electronic payments, payment by payment card or payment by Gift Card, the Customer is obliged to make the payment in advance, immediately, but no later than within 15 minutes of placing the Order. In the event of failure to make the payment within 15 minutes of placing the Order, the Order will not be fulfilled and the declaration of intent to conclude the Agreement by the Customer is considered ineffective.

    4.2. If the Customer chooses to pay cash on delivery - if such a payment method is available - upon receipt of the shipment, the Customer is obliged to make the payment upon receipt of the shipment.


  1. The condition for the execution of the Order is, in particular, the availability of a given Product at the time of execution of the Order and payment for the Order, unless the cash on delivery option has been permitted.

  2. If the Customer is a Consumer, in a situation where the Seller is unable to fulfil the order due to the lack of the Product at the time of fulfilment of the Order, the Seller is obliged - no later than within 7 days - to notify the Customer of this fact and refund the amount paid by the Customer.

  3. Acceptance of the Order for execution will take place no later than the beginning of the first business day following the day on which the Order was confirmed or on which the Seller received payment for the Product.

  4. The order will be fulfilled within 2 to 7 working days, although this time may be extended by the shipping time.

  5. In the event of reasons beyond the Seller's control, the Order execution time may be extended. In such a case, the Seller is obliged to immediately notify the Customer and indicate a new, approximate date for the Order execution. If the new date is not accepted by the Customer, he may withdraw from the contract.

  6. The order is fulfilled in accordance with the method indicated in the electronic Order Form by the Customer.

  7. The following delivery methods are available in the Online Store:

    a) via Poczta Polska or a courier company, delivery time 1-3 business days from the moment of sending the Order in the territory of the Republic of Poland

    b) to Inpost parcel lockers, delivery time 1-3 business days from the moment of sending the order in the territory of the Republic of Poland

    c) by collection at the point, delivery time 1-3 business days from the moment of sending the order in the territory of the Republic of Poland

  8. The shipping cost is borne by the Customer and depends on the weight and/or size of the package and the selected delivery method. The shipping amount is given when placing the Order and is included in the final price.

  9. The delivery dates indicated in paragraph 7 letter ac are indicative. The Seller shall not be liable to the Customer for any delays in delivery caused by circumstances beyond the Seller's control. This applies in particular to delays caused by carriers. If the Customer is a Consumer, paragraph 9, sentences 1 and 2 shall not apply.

  10. In the event that the ordered Products are sent to their destination via a carrier (described in section 7 above), the Customer is obliged to examine the shipment at the time and in the manner accepted for shipments of this type. If the Customer finds that the ordered Products have been lost or damaged during transport, the Customer is obliged to perform all actions necessary to establish the carrier's liability.

  11. The customer has the option to cancel the order within 12 hours of placing it. The order is canceled by sending an appropriate statement to the Seller's e-mail address: hello@longevity-at-home.com .

  12. If you do not pay for your order within 15 minutes, the order will be canceled automatically.

  13. The Seller informs about temporary restrictions in the delivery of Products. In the event that the Product is unavailable in the Store, the Order fulfillment time may be up to 30 business days.

  14. Products ordered in the Store are delivered within the territory of the Republic of Poland. Shipment abroad is carried out on the terms and conditions specified by the Customer from Customer Care.

  15. In the event of an order being placed by a Customer who has their place of residence or registered office outside Poland, the Seller shall notify the Customer of the amount of fees required to complete the Order, including in particular the amount of shipping costs. In the above situation, the Seller shall accept the order for completion upon payment of the price by the Customer, and in the event of a risk of delays, shall inform the Customer of a possible extension of the delivery period. In the event of impossibility of delivery of products selected by the Customer as part of international shipping, the selected Products shall be verified in terms of possible limitations, e.g. impossibility of shipping specific Products abroad and the size (weight) of the order, and in case of doubts, contact the Seller.


  1. A Customer who is a Consumer (Consumer) may withdraw from the sales agreement for the purchased Product without giving a reason by submitting a statement in writing or via e-mail, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the shipment with the Product. To meet this deadline, it is sufficient to send the statement before its expiry. For this purpose, the Consumer may use the template statement available in point XXIII of the Regulations. The statement of withdrawal from the Agreement should be sent by e-mail to hello@lonvegity-at-home.com

  2. The declaration is sent by the Customer via e-mail to the Seller's e-mail address: hello@longevity-at-home.com. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Customer, who is a Consumer, should return the Product at his/her own expense immediately after submitting the declaration of withdrawal from the Contract, but no later than 14 days from the date on which he/she withdrew from the contract. Submitting the declaration of withdrawal and returning the Product may take place simultaneously. The Product should be returned to the Seller's address: Longevity Products Sp. Z oo, ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761. Cash on delivery will not be accepted. The Seller will refund the payment using the same method of payment that the Consumer used - unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to another method of refund

  3. In the event of effective withdrawal from the Agreement, the Seller shall return to the Consumer all payments made by him, including the costs of delivering the Product. The costs of returning the Product shall be borne by the Consumer.

  4. The Customer is responsible for reducing the value of the Product, the Customer's liability is of a compensatory nature. The scope of this liability is determined based on a comparison of the value of the new Product with the value of the returned Product, calculated according to the degree of wear and tear. The Customer is responsible for reducing the value of the item resulting from using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item. The right to use the Product before withdrawal is limited to the possibility of familiarizing oneself with the purchased Product, allowing for determining its nature, characteristics and functionality only in the way that the Customer could do in a stationary store.

  5. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to entities conducting business activities (except where the provisions on Consumers apply accordingly to such entities), including professional activities, which, as part of this activity and for its needs, make a purchase directly related to this activity in the Online Store.

  6. The deadline for submitting (sending) a declaration of withdrawal from the contract specified in art. 10 sec. 1 of the Act on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by a dangerous product runs from the moment of delivery of the item to the Customer, and in the case of provision of a service - from the date of conclusion of the contract.

  7. After the Customer withdraws from the contract, the Service Provider returns the Buyer's payment immediately - but no later than within 14 days of receiving the return or providing the Customer with clear proof of sending back the Product, depending on which event occurs first. The Price is refunded using the payment method used by the Customer when purchasing the Product. In order to make the refund, the Seller has the right to request the Customer to provide a bank account number for the refund. The cost of sending back the Product is borne by the Customer.

  8. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to the Consumer or to a person to whom we apply the provisions accordingly in relation to contracts:

    a) for the provision of services for which the Consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the Seller has fully performed the service with the express and prior consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the commencement of the provision that after the entrepreneur has provided the service, the Consumer will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and has acknowledged this, in particular in the case of Products with digital elements after their launch/delivery by the Seller;

    b) the price or remuneration of which depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the Seller has no control and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires;

    c) the subject of which is a non-prefabricated Product, manufactured according to the Consumer’s specifications or intended to meet his individual needs;

    d) the subject of which is a Product that spoils quickly or has a short shelf life;

    e) the subject of which is the provision of goods delivered in a sealed package which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package was opened after delivery;

    f) the subject of which are Products which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items;

    g) when the Consumer has requested the Seller to come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the Seller provides additional services other than those requested by the Consumer, or supplies goods other than spare parts necessary to perform the repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract in respect of additional services or goods;

    h) the subject of which is the provision of Products delivered in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery;

    i) for the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;

    j) concluded through public auction;

    k) for the provision of accommodation services other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sporting or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of provision of the service;

    l) for the supply of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium, for which the Consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the Seller commenced the provision with the express and prior consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the commencement of the provision that after the Seller has fulfilled the provision, the Consumer will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and has acknowledged this, and the Seller has provided the Consumer with confirmation,

    m) for the provision of services for which the Consumer is obliged to pay the price, in the case of which the Consumer has expressly requested the Seller to come to him for the purpose of repair, and the service has already been fully performed with the express and prior consent of the Consumer.

  9. With regard to Consumers - the Product is in compliance with the contract if, in particular, the following elements are in compliance with the contract:

    a) description, type, quantity, quality, completeness and functionality and, in relation to goods with digital elements, also compatibility, interoperability and availability of updates;

    b) suitability for a specific purpose for which it is required by the consumer, about which the consumer informed the entrepreneur at the latest at the time of conclusion of the contract and which the entrepreneur accepted.

  10. In addition, in order to be considered compliant with the contract, the Product must:

    (a) be suitable for the purposes for which goods of this type are normally used, taking into account applicable laws, technical standards or good practice;

    b) be in such quantity and have such features, including durability and safety, and in relation to goods with digital elements - also functionality and compatibility, as are typical for goods of this type and which the consumer may reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the goods and the public assurance given by the trader, his legal predecessors or persons acting on their behalf, in particular in advertising or on labelling, unless the trader proves that: he was not aware of the public assurance in question and, judging reasonably, could not have been aware of it; before the conclusion of the contract, the public assurance was corrected in the terms and form in which the public assurance was given, or in a comparable manner; the public assurance had no influence on the consumer's decision to conclude the contract; was supplied with packaging, accessories and instructions that the consumer may reasonably expect to be provided; was of the same quality as the sample or model that the trader made available to the consumer before the conclusion of the contract and corresponded to the description of such sample or model.

  11. For Products with digital elements, the provisions of the Regulations, to the extent not regulated above, shall apply accordingly. Due to the nature of services containing Audiovisual Materials, which are provided at the request of the Customer, in the case of an Agreement concluded remotely, the Seller shall commence the provision of such a service after receiving from the Customer an express consent to commence the provision before the expiry of the withdrawal period. The declaration covering the above consent is submitted by the Customer when registering on the Website.

  12. The Seller shall not be liable for the lack of conformity of the Products with the contract to the extent that the Seller has expressly informed the Consumer at the latest at the time of conclusion of the contract that a specific feature of the goods deviates from the requirements of conformity with the contract and the Consumer has expressly and separately accepted the lack of a specific feature of the goods.

  13. The Seller shall be liable to the Consumers for the lack of conformity of the Products with the contract existing at the time of its delivery and revealed within two years from that time, unless the Product's shelf life is longer. In relation to Products with digital elements, the Seller shall be liable for the lack of conformity with the contract of digital content or digital services supplied continuously, which occurred or became apparent at the time when they were to be delivered in accordance with the contract. This period is two years from the time of delivery of the Product with digital elements.

  14. If the Product is not in accordance with the contract, the Consumer may request its repair or replacement. The Seller will repair or replace it within a reasonable time from the moment the Consumer has informed him of the lack of conformity with the contract, and without excessive inconvenience to the Consumer, taking into account the specificity of the Product and the purpose for which the Consumer acquired it.

  15. If the product is not in conformity with the contract, the Consumer may submit a declaration of a price reduction or withdrawal from the contract if the Product has not been brought into conformity with the contract, the lack of conformity occurs despite attempts to bring it into conformity with the contract and is significant enough to justify a price reduction.

  16. In particular, the Product's non-conformity with the Agreement does not result from the difference between the Product's photo placed in the Store and its actual appearance, where such difference is the result of natural processes or objective circumstances, such as the lighting of the Product, differences resulting from different settings or hardware capabilities of the devices (or computer programs) used by the Customer, the exposure of the Product against a specific background, the Consumer's unjustified idea of ​​the Product's size, etc.

  17. The regulations of individual Promotions may provide for special provisions in relation to these Regulations regarding the principles of withdrawal from the Contract concluded at a distance.

  18. If the Consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the Products other than the cheapest standard method of delivery offered by the Seller, the Seller is not obliged to reimburse the Consumer for the additional costs incurred by him.

  19. The Consumer is liable for any reduction in the value of the returned Products resulting from their use in a manner that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product. The Seller reserves the right to seek compensation from the Consumer to the extent permitted by applicable law.

  20. In the event of damage, dirt, or other visible consequences of using or opening the Product, the Customer loses the right to withdraw from the Agreement. The Seller has the right not to accept the return, and in the event of accepting such a return, the Customer will be charged the appropriate cost of restoring the Product to a condition that allows it to be re-sold.

  21. The Customer bears only the direct costs of returning the Product to the Seller. The Seller may, as part of a promotional campaign or a special offer, under the terms and conditions specified in separate regulations, offer the Consumer to collect the returned Goods, by the Seller from the Consumer.

  22. Return of Goods purchased as part of a Promotion, in which the condition for granting a discount was the purchase of more than one Good, means withdrawal from the Promotion and is possible only on condition of returning all Goods, the combined purchase of which entitled to participate in the Promotion. In the event that one of the Goods purchased as part of the Promotion described above is a Good that is not subject to return in accordance with Article 38 of the Consumer Rights Act, the return of Goods covered by the Promotion is not possible.


  1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the Product free from defects.

  2. The seller is liable to:

    Consumers - for non-compliance of the Product with the Agreement under the terms specified in the provisions of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), in particular under Art. 43a et seq. of the Act on consumer rights,

    b) Entrepreneurs - for the non-conformity of the Product with the Agreement on the terms set out in these Regulations or when the sold item has a defect under the Act of 23 April 1964 - the Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93, as amended)

  3. The Customer may submit a Complaint to the Seller, in particular by using the Contact Form available in the Store, in writing - to the address: Longevity Products Sp. Z oo, ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761 Warsaw or via Customer Care to the e-mail address: hello@longevity-at-home.com.

  4. In the Complaint, in order to speed up its consideration, please include information about the reasons for the Complaint, the Customer's request and information allowing for the identification of the Customer and the Product, i.e. e.g. date of submission and Order number, first and last name or company and address details of the Customer, e-mail address. Along with the Complaint, if possible, please provide proof of purchase, which may be e.g. a copy of the invoice or receipt, a printout confirming the transaction using a payment card, etc. In a situation where the data or information provided in the Complaint statement requires supplementation, the Seller will ask the person submitting the Complaint to supplement it before considering it.
  5. The Customer exercising the rights under the warranty is obliged to deliver the defective Goods to the Seller, to the address: Longevity Products Sp. Z o. o., ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761 Warsaw, at the Seller's expense,

  6. In the event of non-conformity of the Product with the Agreement, the Customer who is a Consumer may:

    a) submit a declaration of a reduction in the Price or withdrawal from the Agreement if: (i) the Seller has refused to bring the Product into conformity with the Agreement in accordance with Art. 43d sec. 2 of the Consumer Rights Act, (ii) the Seller has failed to bring the Goods into conformity with the Agreement in accordance with Art. 43d sec. 4-6 of the Consumer Rights Act, (iii) the lack of conformity of the Product with the Agreement persists despite the Seller's attempt to bring the Product into conformity with the Agreement, (iv) the lack of conformity of the Product with the Agreement is significant enough to justify a reduction in the Price or withdrawal from the Agreement without prior use of the protective measures specified in Art. 43d of the Consumer Rights Act, (v) it clearly follows from the Seller's declaration or the circumstances that he will not bring the Product into conformity with the Agreement within a reasonable time or without excessive inconvenience to the Consumer.

    b) The Seller may replace the Product when the Consumer requests its repair, or the Seller may repair the Product when the Consumer requests its replacement, if bringing the Product into conformity with the Agreement in the manner chosen by the Consumer is impossible or would require excessive costs for the Seller. If repair and replacement are impossible or would require excessive costs for the Seller, the Seller may refuse to bring the Product into conformity with the Agreement. When assessing the excessiveness of costs for the Seller, all circumstances of the case are taken into account, in particular the significance of the lack of conformity of the Product with the Agreement, the value of the Product in conformity with the Agreement and excessive inconvenience for the Consumer resulting from a change in the method of bringing the Product into conformity with the Agreement.

    c) The Consumer makes available to the Seller the Product subject to repair or replacement. The Entrepreneur collects the Product from the Consumer at its own expense through the services of a third party. The detailed manner of fulfilling the obligation of the Seller to collect the Complained Goods will be communicated to the Customer in response to the submitted Complaint.

  7. The Seller shall return to the Consumer the amounts due as a result of exercising the right to reduce the Price immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement on the Price reduction.

  8. The Reduced Price must remain in such proportion to the Price resulting from the Agreement as the value of the Product not in compliance with the Agreement remains in relation to the value of the Product in compliance with the Agreement.

  9. The Seller shall refund the Price or part thereof using the same method of payment as used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to another method of refund that does not involve any costs for him.

  10. The Seller is liable for any lack of conformity of the Product with the Contract existing at the time of its delivery and disclosed within two years from that time.

  11. In the event of refusal to accept the Complaint (i.e. the Seller finding that the Product was not inconsistent with the Agreement), the Product will be sent back to the Customer at their expense and the claims will not be accepted. In such a situation, the Consumer is also obliged to cover the costs of collecting the Product from the Consumer by the Seller.

  12. Complaints related to services provided by the Seller electronically (Electronic Services) may be submitted in particular via the Contact Form or by e-mail to hello@longevity-at-home.com.

  13. The use of out-of-court methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims is voluntary.

  14. Detailed information on the possibility of using out-of-court complaint and claim settlement procedures by a Customer who is a Consumer, as well as the rules of access to these procedures are available at the offices and on the websites of district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Voivodship Inspectorates of Trade Inspection and on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection: www.uokik.gov.pl

  15. The consumer has, among others, the following possibilities of using out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims:

    a) referring to a permanent consumer arbitration court, referred to in art. 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws 2001 No. 4 item 25, as amended), with a request to resolve a dispute resulting from the concluded Sales Agreement. The regulations for the organization and operation of permanent consumer arbitration courts are specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 6 July 2017 on the determination of the regulations and operation of permanent arbitration courts at the Voivodship Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws 2017 item 1356),

    b) submitting a request to the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection, in accordance with Article 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws 2001 No. 4 item 25, as amended), to initiate mediation proceedings for the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller. Information on the principles and mode of the mediation procedure conducted by the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection is available at the offices and on the websites of the individual Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection,

    c) requesting free assistance in resolving the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller from the district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, including the Consumer Federation (website address: www.federacja-konsumentow.org.pl ),

    d) in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, we provide an electronic link to the ODR (Online dispute Resolution) platform: ec.europa.eu/odr. The ODR platform is, among other things, a source of information on forms of out-of-court resolution of disputes that may arise between entrepreneurs and consumers. In accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.


  1. This point XIV of the Regulations and all provisions contained therein are addressed to and thus bind only the Client/Service Recipient who is not a Consumer. Furthermore, from 1 January 2021 and for agreements concluded from that date, this point of the Regulations and all provisions contained therein are not addressed to and thus bind the Client or Service Recipient who is a natural person concluding an agreement directly related to their business activity, when it results from the content of this agreement that it does not have a professional character for this person, resulting in particular from the subject of the business activity performed by them, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, unless the application of the provisions contained in this point of the Regulations to these persons is not prohibited.

  2. The Seller/Service Provider has the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement within 14 calendar days from the date of its conclusion. Withdrawal from the Sales Agreement in this case may occur without giving a reason and does not give rise to any claims on the part of the Customer against the Seller.

  3. The Seller's liability under the warranty for the Product or for the lack of conformity of the Product with the Sales Agreement is excluded.

  4. The Seller will respond to the complaint within 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt.

  5. The Service Provider may terminate the agreement for the provision of Electronic Services with immediate effect and without indicating the reasons by sending an appropriate declaration to the Service Recipient.

  6. The liability of the Service Provider/Seller towards the Service Recipient/Customer, regardless of its legal basis, is limited - both within the scope of a single claim, as well as for all claims in total - to the amount of the price paid and delivery costs under the Sales Agreement, but not more than one thousand zlotys. The amount limitation referred to in the previous sentence applies to all claims directed by the Service Recipient/Customer towards the Service Provider/Seller, including in the event of failure to conclude the Sales Agreement or unrelated to the Sales Agreement. The Service Provider/Seller shall be liable towards the Service Recipient/Customer only for typical damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the agreement and shall not be liable for lost profits. The Seller shall also not be liable for delays in the transport of the shipment.

  7. Any disputes arising between the Seller/Service Provider and the Customer/Service Recipient shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Seller/Service Provider.


  1. In order to obtain information about the Store or the status of the Order, the Customer may contact the Seller's Customer Service:

    by phone

    b) via the Contact Form available in the Store

    c) by sending an email to hello@longevity-at-home.com

    d) by traditional mail to the address Longevity Products Sp. Z o. o., ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761 Warsaw.

  2. The Customer can contact Customer Care on working days (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  3. The Seller may temporarily specify other dates or hours of operation of the Customer Service, which will be announced in an appropriate message.

  4. The cost of a call to Customer Service is based on the basic tariff of the telephone operator used by the Customer.

  5. For evidential purposes, as well as in connection with the Client presenting various declarations of will or knowledge to the Seller via Customer Service, all telephone conversations with the Client may be recorded by the Seller, of which the Client is informed in advance. The use of Customer Service telephone services is conditioned by the Client's consent to the recording of the conversation.

  6. The Seller is not an Internet service provider or a provider of other publicly available telecommunications services within the meaning of the Telecommunications Law. The Customer should obtain access to a computer station or terminal device by means of which it is possible to place an Order or use the Seller's Electronic Services, including connecting to Customer Service.


  1. The exclusive rights to the Content, including graphic elements, the arrangement and composition of these elements (so-called layout), trademarks, photos, and other information available on the Store's websites are the subject of the exclusive rights of the Seller or the Seller's business partners. This Content is the subject of copyright, industrial property rights, including trademark protection rights and database rights and as such enjoys statutory legal protection.

  2. Downloading or using, subject to the provisions below, the Content available within the Store requires the consent of the Seller each time and may not violate the provisions of the Regulations and generally applicable provisions of law.

  3. The Customer may use the aforementioned Content solely for his/her own personal use and solely for the proper use of the Store.

  4. The Customer, by placing any Content in the Store, in particular graphics, comments, opinions or statements within the Customer Account or elsewhere in the Store, hereby grants the Seller a non-exclusive, free of charge, unlimited in time and territory license to use, save in computer memory, change, delete, supplement, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce and distribute (in particular on the Internet) such Content, throughout the world. This right includes the right to grant sub-licenses to the extent justified by the performance of the Sales Agreement or the Service Provision Agreement (including the functioning and development of the Store), as well as the authorization to exercise, independently or through third parties, dependent rights in the scope of developing, adapting, processing and translating the work within the meaning of the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4 February 1994. To the extent that the Customer is not authorized to grant licenses referred to above, the Customer undertakes to obtain such licenses for the Seller.

  5. For more information about intellectual property rights, please see our Terms of Use . 


  1. Apart from the cases described in Chapter IV of these Regulations, the Customer may terminate the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services concluded for an indefinite period with immediate effect, at any time, by sending the Seller an appropriate declaration in the form of:

    a) in writing to the following address: Longevity Products Sp. Z o. o., ul. Belwederska 9, 00-761 Warsaw.

    b) e-mails to: hello@longevity-at-home.com

  2. The Customer may terminate the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services concluded for a fixed term with immediate effect, at any time, in the manner described for each such Electronic Service (see Chapter IV of the Regulations).

  3. The Seller may terminate the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services concluded with the Customer for an indefinite period at any time by giving one month's notice for important reasons, understood as:

    a) a change in the legal provisions regulating the provision of Electronic Services by the Seller affecting the mutual rights and obligations specified in the agreement concluded between the Customer and the Seller or a change in the interpretation of the above legal provisions as a result of court judgments, decisions, recommendations or instructions of competent offices or bodies in a given scope;

    b) a change in the method of providing Electronic Services caused solely by technical or technological reasons (in particular, updating the technical requirements specified in these Regulations);

    c) changing the scope or provision of Electronic Services to which the provisions of the Regulations apply, by introducing new, modifying or withdrawing by the Seller the existing functionalities or Electronic Services covered by the Regulations;

    d) justified by the interests of the Seller (e.g. providing false or outdated data)

  4. The Seller shall send its declaration of termination of the Agreement to the e-mail address provided by the Customer or to the telephone number provided (in particular, this applies to the Electronic SMS Notification Service).

  5. The Seller may terminate the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services with the Customer with immediate effect in the event of a gross violation by the Customer of these Regulations, legal provisions or principles of social coexistence.

  6. The Annexes to the Regulations constitute a standard contract within the meaning of Article 384 § 1 of the Civil Code.


Information and Personal Data provided to the Seller by the Customer will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By using the Store, the Customer confirms that he/she has read the Privacy Policy available here:


  1. The principles set out in these Regulations shall apply primarily to the sale, offering and other matters related to the Product Set.

  2. A Product Set is one Product within the meaning of these Regulations, i.e. one subject of the Agreement between the Seller and the Customer, consisting of at least two products offered only together.

  3. The subject of the Order within the Product Set are only the Products selected and assembled by the Seller. The Customer does not have the possibility to modify the Product Set, even only by interfering with the number or type of products included in the Product Set.

  4. When purchasing a Product Set, the Customer is not able to take advantage of currently applicable Promotions or special offers unless they directly apply to the Product Set.

  5. Given that the Product Set is one Product and one subject of the Agreement between the Seller and the Customer, the possibility of withdrawing from the Agreement under the terms specified in the provisions of consumer law and these Regulations applies only to the entire Product Set (all products included in it).

  6. When submitting a Complaint, the Customer is obliged to provide the Seller with the entire Product Set (all products included in the Product Set).

  7. In the event of a defect in one (or more) products included in the Product Set, the Seller may, if it is impossible to remove the defect or replace the product with a defect-free one, reduce the price paid for the Product Set by the proportional value of the defective product.


  1. This section of the Regulations contains provisions resulting from the Digital Services Act in the scope concerning the Online Store and the Service Provider. The Service Recipient is not obliged to provide content when using the Online Store, unless the Regulations require the provision of specific data (e.g. data for placing an Order). The Service Recipient may have the possibility to add an opinion or comment in the Online Store using the tools provided for this purpose by the Service Provider. In each case of providing content by the Service Recipient, he is obliged to comply with the principles contained in the Regulations.
  2. The Service Provider designates a single point of contact at the email address hello@longevity-at-home.com . The contact point enables direct communication between the Service Provider and the authorities of the Member States, the European Commission and the Digital Services Council, and at the same time enables service recipients (including Service Recipients) to communicate directly, quickly and user-friendly with the Service Provider by electronic means, for the purposes of applying the Digital Services Act. The Service Provider indicates Polish and English for the purposes of communication with its contact point.
  3. Procedure for reporting Illegal Content and action under Article 16 of the Digital Services Act:

    3.1. Any person or entity may report to the Service Provider the presence of certain information that such person or entity considers to be Illegal Content by e-mail at hello@longevity-at-home.com .

    3.2 The report must be specific, precise and duly substantiated. For this purpose, the Service Provider shall enable and facilitate the submission of reports to the above email address containing all of the following elements: (1) a sufficiently substantiated explanation of the reasons why the person or entity alleges that the information reported constitutes Illegal Content; (2) a clear indication of the exact electronic location of the information, such as the exact URL(s) and, where applicable, additional information enabling the identification of the Illegal Content, as appropriate to the type of content and the specific type of service; (3) the name and email address of the person or entity making the report, except for the report concerning information deemed to be related to one of the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7 of Directive 2011/93/EU; and (4) a statement confirming the good faith belief of the person or entity making the report that the information and allegations contained therein are accurate and complete.

    3.3. The report referred to in paragraph 3.2 above shall be deemed to constitute actual knowledge or information for the purposes of Article 6 of the Digital Services Act in relation to the information to which it relates if it enables the Service Provider acting with due diligence to determine – without a detailed legal analysis – the illegal nature of the activity or information in question.

    3.4. If the report contains electronic contact details of the person or entity that made the report, the Service Provider shall, without undue delay, send such person or entity a confirmation of receipt of the report. The Service Provider shall also, without undue delay, notify such person or entity of its decision in relation to the information to which the report relates, providing information on the possibility of appealing the decision.

  4. The limitations that the Service Provider imposes in connection with the use of the Online Store, in relation to the information provided by the Service Users, are as follows:

    The following rules apply to the Service Recipient in the event of providing any content within the Online Store:

    a) the obligation to use the Online Store, including posting content (e.g. as part of opinions or comments), in accordance with its intended purpose, these Regulations and in a manner consistent with the law and good customs, taking into account the respect for personal rights and copyrights and intellectual property of the Service Provider and third parties;

    b) the obligation to provide content that is factually accurate and not misleading;

    c) prohibition of providing content of an illegal nature, including the prohibition of providing Illegal Content;

    d) prohibition of sending unsolicited commercial information (spam) via the Online Store;

    e) prohibition of providing content that violates the generally accepted rules of netiquette, including content that is vulgar or offensive;

    f) the obligation to have – where necessary – all required rights and permits to provide such content on the Online Store website, in particular copyrights or the required licenses, permits and consents for their use, distribution, making available or publication, in particular the right to publish and distribute in the Online Store and the right to use and distribute the image or personal data in the case of content that includes the image or personal data of third parties;

    g) the obligation to use the Online Store in a way that does not pose a threat to the security of the IT system of the Service Provider, the Online Store or third parties;

    4.2. The Service Provider reserves the right to moderate content provided by Service Recipients to the Online Store website. Moderation is carried out in good faith and with due diligence and on the Service Provider's own initiative or upon receipt of a report in order to detect, identify and remove Illegal Content or other content that is inconsistent with the Regulations or to prevent access to it or to take the necessary measures to meet the requirements of European Union law and national law consistent with European Union law, including the requirements set out in the Digital Services Act, or the requirements contained in the Regulations.

    4.3. The moderation process may be carried out manually by a human or based on automated or partially automated tools that help the Service Provider identify Illegal Content or other content that is inconsistent with the Regulations. After identifying such content, the Service Provider shall decide whether to remove or disable access to the content or otherwise limit its visibility or take other actions it deems necessary (e.g. contact the Service User to clarify any objections and change the content). The Service Provider shall clearly and easily understandably inform the Service User who provided the content (if they have their contact details) about their decision, the reasons for it and the available options for appealing against this decision.

  5. When exercising its rights and obligations under the Digital Services Act, the Service Provider is obliged to act with due diligence, in an objective and proportionate manner and with due regard to the rights and legitimate interests of all parties involved, including the recipients of the service, in particular the rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, such as freedom of expression, media freedom and pluralism and other fundamental rights and freedoms.

  6. Any comments, complaints, claims, appeals or reservations regarding decisions or other actions or lack of action taken by the Service Provider based on the received notification or decision of the Service Provider taken in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations may be submitted in the same manner as for complaints, specified in point XIII of the Regulations. Using this procedure is free of charge and allows for submitting complaints electronically to the provided e-mail address. Using the procedure for reporting and considering complaints is without prejudice to the right of the person or entity to initiate proceedings before a court and does not violate their other rights.

  7. The Service Provider shall consider all comments, complaints, claims, appeals or objections regarding decisions or other actions or lack of action taken by the Service Provider on the basis of a notification received or a decision made in a timely, non-discriminatory, objective and non-arbitrary manner. If a complaint or other notification contains sufficient reasons for the Service Provider to consider that its decision not to take action in response to the notification is unjustified or that the information to which the complaint relates is not illegal and inconsistent with the Regulations, or contains information indicating that the complainant's action does not justify the measure taken, the Service Provider shall, without undue delay, rescind or amend its decision regarding the possible removal or disabling of access to the content or otherwise limiting its visibility or take other actions it deems necessary.

  8. Service Recipients, persons or entities who have reported Illegal Content and to whom the Service Provider's decisions regarding Illegal Content or content that is inconsistent with the Regulations are addressed, have the right to choose any out-of-court dispute resolution body certified by the Digital Services Coordinator of a Member State to resolve disputes regarding these decisions, including complaints that have not been resolved within the Service Provider's internal complaint handling system.


  1. The content of these regulations may be changed or new regulations may be issued by the Service Provider in the event of:

    a) changes in the content of generally applicable law, as well as the issuance of judgments or decisions by authorized state bodies, shaping or changing the rights or obligations of the parties specified in the agreement or third parties, affecting the method of providing services, as well as changes in tax law, in particular affecting the amount of tax liabilities, introducing new taxes or fees, or changing the method of fulfilling them;

    b) changes in the characteristics and technical conditions of running the online store, including in particular those related to technical or technological progress;

    c) changes in the principles of operation of the Internet or the principles of communication within this network, caused by technical or technological progress, changes in generally applicable law or rulings or decisions of state bodies authorized to issue them;

    d) changes in the organisation or legal and organisational transformations of the Service Provider, excluding changes resulting in legal consequences;

    e) changes to the scope or form of the Electronic Services provided;

    f) adding new Electronic Services;

    g) the need to counteract an unforeseen and direct threat related to the protection of the Online Store, including Electronic Services and Service Recipients/Customers against fraud, malware, spam, data breaches or other threats to cybersecurity;

    h) force majeure.

  2. The Service Provider shall inform about the change or issuance of new regulations via the website www.longevity-at-home.com. Changes to the regulations shall take effect – unless otherwise stated – from the date of posting information about the change, while maintaining the acquired rights. New provisions of the regulations shall apply to orders placed after the date of their entry into force. Changes to the Regulations shall not affect Orders already placed or submitted, or concluded, implemented or executed Sales Agreements.

  3. In the case of continuous contracts (e.g. provision of the Electronic Service - Account), the Service Recipient has the right to terminate the contract with the Service Provider within 14 days of the change of the Regulations. In the case of conclusion of a continuous contract, the changed Regulations are binding on the Service Recipient if they have been properly notified of the changes and have not terminated the contract during this period.

  4. In the event that a change to the Regulations results in the introduction of any new fees or an increase in the existing ones, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract.


  1. These Regulations enter into force on the date of their publication on the website within the Store on __________

  2. The Sales Agreement and the Electronic Services Provision Agreement are concluded in Polish.

  3. The law applicable to the conclusion of the Agreement is the law of the Republic of Poland, and the courts are the common courts in the Republic of Poland, unless otherwise provided by mandatory provisions of law. Any disputes between the Seller and the Customer who is not also a Consumer shall be submitted to the court with jurisdiction over the Seller's registered office.

  4. The Seller may modify the technical manner of providing the Electronic Services, in particular for technological reasons (development of browsers and technologies), but without impairing its quality and without affecting the scope of the rights and obligations of the Customer and the Seller.

  5. The Seller provides technical and organizational measures appropriate to the level of risk to the security of the Electronic Services provided.

  6. Customers can access these Regulations at any time and download them from the website in *.pdf format here , as well as print them out.

  7. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, unless it is contrary to the provisions or purposes of these Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code, the Act on the provision of services by electronic means of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 144, item 1204, as amended), the Consumer Rights Act,


The regulations of individual promotions and competitions organized by the Seller are available below:

  1. Terms and Conditions of the “10% discount” promotion on first purchases;