
What is epigenetics and how your lifestyle affects your genetic predisposition

Co to jest epigenetyka - Longevity at Home

Epigenetics is a fascinating field of science that explores how our environment and life choices affect how our genes work without changing the DNA sequence itself. We often wonder what epigenetics is and how it can affect our health, well-being, and even predisposition to various diseases. In an era of advanced scientific research, epigenetics is emerging as a key to understanding why even identical twins, who share an identical set of genes, can differ from each other in terms of health and physiology.

I invite you to continue reading to explore how our lifestyle can modify gene expression and what actions we can take to positively influence our epigenetic legacy.

What is epigenetics?

Until recently, it was believed that knowledge about what determines our health should be sought in genetics. Today, it turns out that there is something "above genes" that helps explain why, for example, identical twins, i.e. those with an identical genome, do not suffer from the same diseases. This is because, according to the latest knowledge, genes alone are responsible for the functioning of our body in only about 20 percent, 80 percent is the influence of external factors. And it is precisely these factors that have the greatest influence on us at individual stages of life that make some genes active and others dormant. The mechanisms of this turning on and off of genes are studied by epigenetics. If we compare our life to a movie, our cells are the actors, DNA is the script, and epigenetics is the director on whom the final vision of the movie depends.
Epigenetics ("epi" from Latin "beyond, in addition to") deals with changes in gene expression that do not result directly from DNA sequence mutations, but that lead to the development of traits in a given organism and those inherited by subsequent generations.
Epigenetics is called the second code, or what is above the genes. It is the intersection of genetics and how diet, micronutrients, exercise and sleep can change the expression of our genes. It examines all the non-genetic factors that affect how the information contained in the gene is read.

What influences the expression of our genes?

We all have a set of unique genetic predispositions that make us respond differently to things like exercise, stress, certain foods, or sleep. But our lifestyle and environment affect these genetic traits and can either weaken or accentuate them. That’s why it’s even more important to know your genetic profile than it is to know your epigenetic profile.
We all have a set of unique genetic predispositions that make us respond differently to things like exercise, stress, certain foods, or sleep. But our lifestyle and environment affect these genetic traits and can either weaken or accentuate them.
Epigenetic testing will show you the true state of your health, your true biological age, and provide you with a basis for understanding and implementing appropriate changes that will allow you to manage the expression of your genes.

Are you interested in how your lifestyle and environment affect your health? Do you want to take a preventive approach to your health and are wondering how much your genes determine you? Check your genetic and epigenetic profile with us to introduce individually tailored habits into your life that will help you be healthier for longer.

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